Friday, 31 August 2007

Tint walls and floor - How?

Because I always use Properties in a New Window I couldn't find how to tint walls. If you select the interior Tiles you wish to colour you can look in the Properties window itself to change the colour of the walls.

BUT so far, changing the colours for the floor, let alone the promised texture changes (promised pre-release) doesn't work at all.

Floor workaround - I chose a floor placeable, resized it to fit the whole floor of the area, and tinted that in the usual way.

ALTHOUGH I had problems getting it to sit on the ground! Fixed that by changing the last parameter of its 'Position No Snap' to zero. IMPORTANT - after doing this set position and height lock to True!

SIDE NOTE set this last height param to 0.01 for carpets that sink into the floors particularly with the castle tiles.

There is also a placeable called a floorprop - initially at least a giant orange swirly tiled thing, but haven't really investigated its potential.

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