Friday, 21 September 2007

Includes - starting with group, ginc_group

All the include scripts are wonderful function libraries. Just starting to explore these.

ginc_group for example has handlers for creating and dealing with groups of creatures.

// Add up to iMax creatures with tag sTag to group sGroupName
void GroupAddTag(string sGroupName, string sTag, int iMax=20, int bOverridePrevGroup=FALSE)

// spawn creatures in - in BMA formation - and add them to a group
// if there are creatures already in the group, the new ones will be tacked on to the end and placed
// in formation accordingly.
void SpawnCreaturesInGroupAtWP(int iNum, string sTemplate, string sGroupName, string sWayPoint="SPAWN_POINT")

You can handle them as a group to face a waypoint, move to an object etc etc.
Then on the death of this group, various functions are available, eg:

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